Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Final Chapter....Zaijian Zhongguo (Goodbye China)

Tomorrow I teach my last class of the semester.  Rhonda and I are returning to the states next week with very mixed emotion.  This is earlier than planned, due to my back being a real challenge these last few months.  I will be getting an MRI the day after I return and hopefully the neurosurgeon will be able to help me find a way to resolve some of this pain.  Besides that, Rhonda and I are also looking forward to seeing our family and friends, who we have missed very much.  

With that said, I have to say that China, it's people, and it's students have gotten into our hearts.  It is going to be hard to say goodbye.  Teaching is a wonderful thing.  It allows teacher and student to make connections and form friendships as they communicate with one another.  That communication is not always restricted to the subject being discussed.  Bonds of friendship can be forged in a relatively short period of time.  This is one of the things I love most about teaching.  One pays a price however, at the end of the experience, as goodbye's are said.  

I will miss the strangers that have approached me and asked if they could help me in any way...apparently because I looked completely lost or helpless!  ;-)

I will not miss the custom of people of all ages and walks of life spitting on the street where ever you are.  Oh yes, I will also not miss the honking horns.

I will miss watching the sweet interaction between grandparent and child as the older generation cares for their grandchildren. Taking them on walks, to school or wherever they need to go.

I will not miss stepping accidentally in the potty leftovers from the children, left on the sidewalk, that are a part of the slit pants custom here in China.

I will miss the smiles of my students....their work ethic...their sense of humor...their insights and love for their families

I will not miss the pollution!

I will miss the wonderful yet unique sense of community  and national pride that exists here.   I will miss seeing families on walks at 8:00 pm in front of crowded malls.  I will miss seeing a group of 10-15 women meeting in front of malls, or on the side of the street to dance together in the evening. 

I will not miss very crowded buses and very bumpy taxi's on a bad back.  I will also not miss the honking horns!

I will miss good friends made here.  The Carriers from BYU, and many others in the local branch who have reached out with great kindness.

I will not miss the chaos that reigns on the streets with pedestrians, electric bikes, cars and buses all going every which direction and pedestrians being at the bottom of the totem pole (that would be me!)...oh yes..did I mention that I will not miss the honking horns!

Most of all, I will miss the children.  If I am discouraged for some reason,  all I need to do is look into the face of one of the beautiful children here in China!

Here are some parting pictures:

So, you forgot to pick up a chicken at the store.  No worries!  Just flag down this industrious chicken salesman!

There is no limit to what you will see carried on one of these electric bikes.  This is one example. 

Two of my PhD classes.   Their hearts are as wide as their smiles.  Notice that we are all wearing coats.  No central heating in the school, nor in any of the public buildings. (Except the newer Malls) Folks just get used to wearing coats all the time.

Of course, how could I finish this blog without some more pictures of the beautiful children of China.  Here they are:

Little angels for sure!

Zaijian Zhongguo!  
Goodbye China...we will miss you.

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