Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kung Fu Panda

Recently, Rhonda and I ventured out to the north side of Chengdu to see the Panda Breeding base.  This is the largest Panda Bear breeding facility in the world.  Rhonda had been looking forward to this for quite awhile.  The night before we went, she said she felt like it was Christmas eve!  She was pretty excited.

Here are some pictures of our Panda adventure:
Munching some tasty bamboo shoots!

Newborns.  Pretty cute.  

They are more agile than you might guess.  I watched this bear climb out on the thin limb to his right and try and reach the leaves.

Breakfast is served!

Some black swans in a pond we found in the middle of the park.  Very tranquil.  

Here are some other pictures from this last weeks activities:

The other day, we came across some folks practicing a form of Tai Chi with swords.  It is not unusual to see groups of men or women in public parks, practicing dance or Tai Chi

Rhonda and I went to Tianfu square the other day.  It lies at the center of Chengdu, and is famous due to the statue of Chairman Mao (Mao Zedong- Revolutionary, former communist party leader and founder of the People's Republic of China.), which can be seen behind Rhonda.

If there is one thing that has captured my heart here in China, it has been the children.  You want to pick them all up, and just hug them...although I am not sure that would go over to well.  Actually, the parents and grandparents are usually very excited to have their children visit with and speak to an american.  Here is a cutie we met on the subway.  She was very shy.  Many times, it is the grandparents you see with the children.  The parents are working and the grandparents usually will be caring for the children at home.  Most homes have 3 generations living within.  

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear about your adventure on this blog. The pictures are wonderful and the experiences help us to feel a little closer to that part of the world and the sweet people there. Keep up the good work and we will pray for your back.
    Love you both, Kent and Rhonda!
