Sunday, June 30, 2013

July 1, 2013 Looking forward...

July 1, 2013
My wife Rhonda and I have been invited to teach in Chengdu, China at the University of Electronic Sciences and Technology.  Chengdu is a city of about 12 million people who make up a small part of China's 1.3 Billion.  I chose this picture of Chengdu as an introductory image since it seems to capture the juxtaposition of traditional and modern China.  I have much to learn of both of these faces.  Rhonda served an LDS mission in Hong Kong between 1976 and 1978 and has a love for the Chinese people.  We are both excited to open our hearts to the people of China.  We will do our best to understand and embrace them and their culture and hopefully help them understand something of ours.  We look forward to making new friends.

I will try and share something of our adventure through this blog.   In early August we will begin a two week training seminar at the Kennedy Institute of BYU.  As soon as this is complete, we will be on our way to Chengdu.  I will post another entry as we prepare for our departure.  In the mean time...Duibuqi, wo xuyao jixu lianxi wo de putonghua (Please excuse me as I really need to practice my Mandarin!  :-)


  1. Good luck in this extraordinary opportunity to serve and teach Heavenly Fathers children in China. May they see the light in your eyes and and want to understand the love in your hearts as you work and bless their lives. We will keep an eye on your blog so we can keep up on your adventure.
    You will be missed. May The Lord bless you and keep you.
    Love David and Sabrina

  2. Rhonda!! How are things going? I keep thinking about you off having a wonderful adventure. Let us know how you are and what you are seeing, eating, etc. So exciting!
